Book:Groans From Old Bones



                                        Book of Versification by William F.E. Morley

Just Old Bones

(for William F.E. Morley: 1920-present)

By Leonard Dabydeen

14 July, 2016


A notch short of Byron

so amusing

entertaining to the core:

mind, body, and soul

walking you through archives and enclaves

jotting a memory here, there, everywhere

his amusement lingers

like perfume fragrances

in the botany of life

you desire to sit with him

watch him prancing

laugh a little from the heart

like Richardson’s Tecumseh

watch him bow a little

craving thoughts how to rhyme

uncaring about fetter of time

hear a little groan

a sombre tone

a witty smile

age matters for a while

ecstatic his life be known

deep in his old bone.


One Response to “Book:Groans From Old Bones”

  1. needybad4u Says:

    Click to access book-groans-from-old-bones-pdf.pdf

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