



Book: Mohandas K. Gandhi, Thoughts, Words, Deeds and His Inspiration: Bhagavad-Gita by Ramnarine Sahadeo,

Published by Reprographic and Printing Services, 13/2, Rasoolpura, Secunderabad 500 003, AP,India, ISBN 978-0-9868393-1-3

(2012): Second Edition.

Review by: Leonard Dabydeen

This second edition of author Ramnarine (Ramji) Sahadeo’s philosophical book: Mohandas K. Gandhi, Thoughts, Words, Deeds and His Inspiration: Bhagavad-Gita is a long overdue, guiding clarinet call to people of every religious belief, race, creed, sexual orientation, or political interests to follow the non-violent principles of the indomitable Mahatma (Great One) Gandhi, in an attempt to seek peace, prosperity and happiness in our troubled world.

The book is a studied embellishment from the debut first edition, which was launched to mark the 10th anniversary of 9/11 – the unforgettable atrocities of the bombing of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and the loss of thousands of lives of people of all walks of life. It is an attempt to point all of us to look at other 9/11s in history where visionary leaders have pleaded with human beings to live in peace, unity and harmony. Particular emphasis is highlighted in the speeches of Swami Vivekananda on September 11, 1893 to the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, U.S.A. And more in grace to the guidance of famous world leaders, in the likeness of Martin Luther King (Jr.) and  Nelson Mandela is the speech by Mohandas K. Gandhi, The Moment of Truth, on September 11, 1906 inJohannesburg,South Africa at the Empire Theater. Gandhi , who is acclaimed the Father of Indian Independence (1947), displayed an impeccable stand for the principle of non-violence in the remarkable practice of Satyagraha – “soul force”; “truth force”; “insistence on truth”.

What was essentially Gandhi’s inspiration ? It is this pertinent question that stirred Ramji to dwell in the body of the book on the Bhagavad-Gita. This is the scriptural poem that influenced and inspired Gandhi all through his life. In the end we come to appreciate the Mahatma (Great One) as one of the greatest souls that set foot on this earth. Readers will no doubt shuffle the pages of this book in its various sections and headings to look for answers to bring peace and harmony in their own lives. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi:

                    “ When disappointment stares me in the face and when I am all alone and I do not see even one

                      ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad Gita.

The author, Ramnarine Sahadeo, is a Guyanese-born Canadian practicing Law in the Greater Toronto Area since 1980. It is his fervent hope that this book will promote the change which people wish to see in their homes, their social environment and the world at large. In the back cover he writes:             

                     “Justice systems would need fewer resources if residents can just avoid lust, anger, and greed, for

                    these vices clog the courts with expensive, unpredictable, and unnecessary litigation. Health and

                     social systems experience lower demands from those who exercise, perform yoga, meditate or follow

                     a vegetarian diet, practices followed by Gandhi and recommended by the Gita.”

The book is set in three parts: Part I greets the reader with an overview of how the Gita reaches the West, with a distinction of Nine Elevens apart from September 11, 2001; Part II brings the reader to the core verses of the spiritual poem of the Bhagavad-Gita; and Part III offers power-point comments on the Gita by Gandhi, along with influences of the Bhagavad-Gita that shaped the destiny of this great soul. In the end there is a glorifying explanation of the universal greeting of Namaste for all of us.

For copies of this book, either for yourself or for distribution to friends and family as gifts or for social gatherings, you may contact the author, Ramnarine Sahadeo: ramjihind@rogers.com. By phone: 905-671-9233.

Leonard Dabydeen is the author of: Watching You, A Collection of Tetractys Poems, Xlibris Publications, ISBN 978-1-4691-4802-1(2012). He is also listed in the World Poetry Movement’s BEST POETS & POEMS 2011 ISBN 978-1-61936-038-9 (2012); Hardcover.

Also he is a Licensed Paralegal and Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada. Website: www.dabydeenparalegal.com.







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